How to Create a Bucket List for the Rest of Your Life

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| 2 min. read |

Ahhh yes, the famed bucket list. Have you started one yet? You know it's never finished and it starts when you write down those first few things you want to accomplish and goes on forever. A bucket list isn't about dying; it's about having fun, learning new things, and making memories. My bucket list is never finished and is already incredibly long – more than 200 items. I try to complete at least one item every year and sometimes complete items without even realizing it.

Here is a snippet of my list to give you an idea of what I still want to do with my time on earth


A bucket list can have things you want to own like a car, a house, or perhaps a collector's item like a baseball card or an NFT. Or could include activities you'd like to do at least once or places you'd like to visit before you kick the proverbial bucket. 

A bucket list is about acknowledging your mortality and manifesting a long and full life.  "A bucket list is for everyone and some scientists believe it is crucial to living a long and full life." 

How do you write a bucket list?

A bucket list is almost always selfish because it's about your life and the things that you want to do with that life! This list is never finished in its creation and execution. It's important to carefully document all your greatest wishes and deepest desires in a place that is easily accessible from your phone or computer for easy editing like the notes app on your iPhone, Google Keep on Android, or an app we are all big fans of Evernotes. 

These cloud-based note-taking apps ensure that your notes will sync automatically across your devices and allows for easy updating of your bucket list on the go over many years!

When you're writing your bucket list: 

  • Start with the easy stuff. ...

  • Think about the things you wanted to do when you were a kid. ...

  • Add some predictable stuff. ...

  • Add some weird stuff. ...

  • Think about the overall experience you want. ...

  • Ask friends for their suggestions.

  • Shoot for the stars! (don't limit yourself)

The whole point of a bucket list is to choose things that you've never done before and or never imagined doing. There are truly no limits to what a human is capable of achieving in their lifetime so please do not hold yourself back when coming up with these goals! 


Do not pressure yourself into completing your bucket list as fast as possible unless you're limited in the time you have left on this planet. We all must die one day and whether you're reading this while in your 20s or late 90s, the best day to start writing a bucket list is today. So do not delay and just start by jotting down some random ideas that excite you. 

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